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Water Softener Chennai | Hard Water Softener Chennai

The basic function of a water softener is to reduce the excessive hardness in water. This hardness is caused by the presence of hard salts (cations) present in the water namely calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg). Water Softeners use the time-tested and globally acclaimed ion exchange technology to remove or reduce the hardness content.

Hard water is a result of excessive calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) ions in the water. Excessive hardness in ground water occurs when water percolates into the ground that contains deposits of limestone, chalk or gypsum. These elements are primarily made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates and sulphates.

About 75% of ground water in India has excessive hardness. As per WHO standards, the permissible hardness level in drinking water is 50 ppm and as per IS 10500:2012 standards, the acceptable limit is 200 ppm.

Quality of ground water and its chemical composition (TDS) can widely vary even within specific pockets. Hard salts in ground water in many areas in Chennai and its outskirts, is far higher than the permissible limits and is anywhere between 300 ppm and 1200 ppm. For instance, hard water problem is very common in areas such as Guindy, Pallavaram and till Maraimalai Nagar. It is also pertinent to also note that water is brackish or saline (TDS exceeding 2500 ppm) in many locations in Chennai requiring Reverse Osmosis process-based treatment plants.

A correctly sized water softener or hard water treatment plant can effectively bring down the hardness content in water and this makes water softeners essential for locations where water is hard. Given the increasing dependence on ground water, water softeners are becoming an absolute necessity in Chennai. Thousands of homes, villas, apartments, offices, educational institutions, commercial organizations and industrial establishments use water softener plants in Chennai.

Korgen Tech Systems, one of the leading water softener plant manufacturers in Chennai, designs and supplies various types of manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic whole house water softeners, domestic water softener plants, hard water softeners for home, water softener for home, hi-volume water softener plants, domestic water softener plants, water softener for house, commercial water softener plant and industrial water softener plant in Chennai. After the erection and commissioning of the product is completed, our experienced field engineers train customers on how to operate water softeners.

As an established water softener manufacturer, we can supply you the best water softener in Chennai. Our water softener price in Chennai starts from Rs.13,200/- onwards.

Learn more about Water Softening Process and the performance efficiency of Korgen Water Softener Plants

We recommend the right type of hard water softener along with pre-treatment modules only after analysing the key parameters of water quality such as pH value, total hardness, M-alkalinity, suspended solids, turbidity etc. Our technical personnel also evaluate the site conditions and requirements of the customers before deciding on the requisite size and specifications of a water softener plant.

The efficiency and long-term performance consistency of a hard water softener system depend on the accuracy of the design, pre-treatment schemes, feed water temperature and key engineering factors such as resin volume, resin quality and tank MOC besides compliance with the prescribed operational and maintenance procedures.

The design of a water softener or water softening plant is primarily based on two key parameters. ie., Total hardness present in the water and the desired OBR (Output Between Regeneration).

Starting from water testing to the selection of the right water softener, Korgen closely guides customers, at every stage, to take the right buying decisions.

Industrial Water Softener Plant Chennai | Commercial Water Softener Plant Chennai

Korgen designs and manufactures a wide range of high-volume industrial water softener plants for various industrial applications and also commercial water softener plants in Chennai. We have a good number of clients who use our products and understood the usefulness and advantages of our water softener solutions.

Korgen industrial water softener plants offer consistent performance for many years at optimized maintenance costs. Our water softeners come in various forms such as portable water softeners, skid-mounted packaged plants and large custom-built units. We use high-quality imported softener resins in Chennai for our industrial and commercial water softeners.

Water softeners are used for a variety of industrial uses. For example, boilers, heat exchangers, cooling towers and critical water-using process equipment need soft water throughout their operations.

On the other hand, commercial water softener plants are used in hospitals, hotels, resorts, food processing units, restaurants etc.

Adverse Effects of Hard Water

Continuous and long-term usage of hard water for general utility purposes and consumption can lead to various types of difficulties and health issues.

For instance, hard water can cause medium and heavy scale deposits, depending on the hardness levels, in pipes, taps, valves, showers, sinks, bathtubs, plumbing accessories and water-using home appliances such as washing machines, water heaters, dishwashers and kitchen utensils. Hard water also reduces the lathering capacity and thereby the cleaning power of soaps, detergents and shampoos. If used for bathing, hard water can lead to craggy hair, scalp damage, hair loss, dry-itchy skin. If used for washing clothes, it can badly affect the colour and life of fabrics.

Long-term consumption of hard water can lead to serious health challenges including kidney stone formation.

For industries, hard water can severely impair the performance and increase the maintenance costs of cooling towers, boilers and other water-using machineries and can also affect manufacturing and other critical industrial processes that use water.

How Water Softeners work?

Very small spherical-shaped beads made of synthetic polystyrene with a negative charge called cationic resins are used in this method to facilitate the water softening process.

In this water softening process, also known as ion exchange process, salts that induce hardness in the water are substituted by a soft salt (Sodium-Na). When the hard water is pumped through the cationic resins in the water softener supersaturated with sodium, these resins act as an exchange point where calcium and magnesium ions in the feed water stick to the ‘exchange sites’ on the resin surface and the sodium ions are knocked off.

Calcium and Magnesium both being divalent easily displace the monovalent sodium ions and get attached to the resin. Feed water will continue to get softened until the softener resins get saturated with hard salts.

After the ‘Service Cycle’ is completed, the resins will have to be again regenerated with brine (sodium-rich) solution that is stored in the brine tank. The concentrated sodium in the brine solution replaces the calcium and magnesium ions trapped on the resin surface and the water softener will be ready for the next service cycle.

How to choose the right water softeners?

The first step in selecting the right water softener is to do a detailed lab analysis of the water in a good laboratory. Once the water quality is clearly understood, the maximum consumption of water per day and the desired frequency for regeneration (OBR) will have to be arrived at. All these factors put together will help in choosing the quantity of softener resins required and then the size of the FRP or MS Vessel is determined.

Water Softeners, depending on their usage and segments where they are used, are known by many names such as hard water softener, ion exchange water treatment plant, softener water treatment plant, water softener plant for apartments, residential water softener, hard water treatment plant for home, hard water purifier for home, water softener plant for home, commercial water softener plant, water softener plant for industrial use etc.

All these terms are used to denote a water softener that offers hard water treatment to a plethora of segments and applications.

As a trusted water softener plant supplier chennai, Korgen can guide you to take the right decisions when it comes to your hard water treatment requirements in Chennai.

Water Softener Resins

Looking for water softener resins Chennai? Korgen offers high-quality branded water softener resins in Chennai at very attractive prices. We deal with all brands of resins namely Indion, Rohm and Haas, Dupont and Radon. Our water softener resin price is very competitive.

Water Softener Salt

Korgen also arranges for the supply of water softener salt in Chennai. This salt is required for the proper regeneration of water softener resins. We partner with salt suppliers, salt wholesalers, salt manufacturers, salt distributors and industrial salt manufacturers in Chennai for supply of salt at low prices.

Why Korgen Tech?

  • Our team has a combined experience of 50+ years in Environmental Engineering
  • Our Water Softeners are designed based on proven formula and time-tested norms
  • High-quality cationic (SAC) resins that are super-efficient and long lasting
  • Custom-built water softener plants based on hardness levels and site conditions
  • Wide range of competitively priced products-models (750 LPH to 1000 m3 LPD)
  • Different MOCs to suit specific requirements - FRP | PG | Composite | MSEP |MSRL | SS
  • Manual, Semi-automatic and Fully automatic units offered
  • Branded components ensure long life and consistent performance
  • User-friendly maintenance processes and easy-to-use operations
  • Trained and experienced service personnel for efficient after-sales service
  • 1-year all-inclusive warranty and 5-year special vessel warranty

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